Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The New Car

Here it is! The brand new used car!

At The Park

That's cool, can I try?

Sure! Haelley's...SO BIG! Is your Dad this cool?

She loved the steering wheel...

And the swing.


Not much to say about all of these, but here are kiddos together, they really do get along well.

Brennan was scared, but Haelley was in for the long haul.


Tummytime (not for Brennan I guess)

All dressed up!

At the park.

Who loves Mommy!!

Haelley playing

This was the fort (injury video to follow later.)

She thought this was pretty cool. Michael was tempted to start it, but I convinced him otherwise.

Again, a video is hopefully to follow. She loves to wash her dishes and the floor and the walls...

I was front packing Brennan and Haelley wanted to try it out. She proceeded to frontpack her baby and her cup all over the yard for probably half an hour.


Instead of "nothin but a suntan," The song should be "nothin but a bib."

He just gets fatter and fatter everyday...


He's generally happy. (John wants to call him "Bubby.")


Aunt Sis painted Haelley's nails when we were in Nebraska, but this is the first time I did it. She had found my nail polish bottles and had been cooking with them (Lining them up in pans and shoving them behind the stereo). She was pretty proud of her mani/pedi

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Haelley Berthold?

Silas wanted to adopt Haelley as a sister so he's contracted his mother to give her a Berthold hair-do. Ain't bad though, right?