Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More Faces

Haelley has grown so much in the last couple of weeks! She is now crawling, pulling herself up into a standing position and going from lying down to sitting up. One of her new accomplishments is puckering up her mouth and making a smacking sound.

I don't have anything exciting to say about this picture. This is Haelley!

The picture is a little blurry, but this is the first time with blueberries, they were a hit!

1 comment:

Mom to Anyone said...

I love - absolutely love - the pucker picture!!! In fact, it has replace the picture that I had on the desktop. I don't replace those often. When I see one I really like I put it there and leave it. So, move over, Christmas pose, and enter "The Pucker." Please tell Haelley that Grandma loves blueberries too. However, warn her that she should never chew gum that tastes like a whole meal with blueberry something or other for dessert. Blueberry lips are ok but not the whole physique=)