Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Haelley's still here too!!!

Don't forget the ever-lovable first-born. She's learning more every day, including how to put ON clothes. Many know that she loves to take them off, but this is something new. As you can tell, these clothes aren't really made for her. Something else she's learned is how to steal dirty painting clothes from underneath the bathroom door.

The little rascal!!!

Haelley's actually started an apprenticeship for a local cabinet company. Thankfully, she makes house calls because our's needed some adjustments.

Her fascination with shoes continues, especially with those more than twice her size.


Mom said...

Monkey see, monkey do! She is so cute!

momawake said...

She's havin' fun!

Mom to Anyone said...

I miss The Girl. I really, really do! Tell her that Mammaw loves her even if it's a while before we see each other again.

Leslie said...

Haelley's as cute as ever.