Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hysterical Haelley

Haelley is hilarious when she laughs. She can't control herself. You can't help laughing at her either.
If you look closely, you can see her (count 'em) 6 teeth.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pitch-In at the Park

This was as Haelley was winding down watching the kickball game. It was so much fun, we haven't done this kind of thing in years. I laughed soooo much, it was a lot of fun to watch the grown-ups act like kids.

She finally succumbed towards the end of the game, she slept for a while, so she must've been really worn out.

I feel terrible, this was the only kick of Michael's that I recorded and it was definitely his worst one. It was so much fun to watch him play, he even did a back-flip (That I didn't get to see because I was shooting my mouth off). I saw him when he landed on his head, but he managed to get to "Home" for a home run. Typical athletic self, it makes me sick.

I thought Mom would appreciate seeing her other daughter in action. (She only played because they made her). She was a very valuable draft, though.

Truman knew exactly what to do which is more than
I can say about some of the little kickers. Benjamin was all gung-ho, but he completely missed third base. Michael picked him up to point him toward third base and he was running in mid-air. He then ran all the way past third base instead of going home. It was so funny!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

She was a little grumpy, but we finally got her to show off for the camera. The things that you may be looking for are: signing "light," saying "bye-bye" and giving a "raspberry" like sound. It's like where's Waldo, except not.

Here she is getting out of her walker, it was really funny. I don't know if you can see it or not, but her foot is already out and resting on the tray. Enjoy!

Cute Kid

She loves to crawl in and around her car seat, it became her first head bump. She tipped it back and hit her head on the bookshelf. Mommy felt so bad!

She can very easily climb out of her walker and takes great pride in doing so. She is really good at maneuvering around in it. Constantly backing in and out of rooms and turning around in tight corners. It really looks like she is driving a car, she actually looks behind her before backing up.

Her hair is long enough that it takes a while to dry, so I've taken to drying if she is about to lay down. At first it was scary...

But then she discovered that she could sit in the sink and that was a lot of fun.

Big Girl Food

Michael was very proud of her first hamburger, so we took a picture. She did pretty well, but it wasn't her favorite thing. She loves "bean-beans," Bananas and string cheese.

And the first bite...

Hmmmm, not too bad!

Diaper Lady

As the weather has gotten warmer we have let her hang out in her diaper more often. This has become her favorite outfit. When I'm changing her diaper, she rolls over and crawls away at a gallop.

She has become a monkey wanna be. She isn't quite talented enough to climb successfully, but she sure tries!

Her favorite toys are the real thing. Give her a cell phone and a set of keys and she is set for a wonderful evening.

Hurry! grab everything off the couch before Mom stops me!