Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cute Kid

She loves to crawl in and around her car seat, it became her first head bump. She tipped it back and hit her head on the bookshelf. Mommy felt so bad!

She can very easily climb out of her walker and takes great pride in doing so. She is really good at maneuvering around in it. Constantly backing in and out of rooms and turning around in tight corners. It really looks like she is driving a car, she actually looks behind her before backing up.

Her hair is long enough that it takes a while to dry, so I've taken to drying if she is about to lay down. At first it was scary...

But then she discovered that she could sit in the sink and that was a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Mom to Anyone said...

First ouchies are no fun - for child or parent. And why is it that they seem to happen when you're watching and only steps away? No negligence at all, just quick children.