Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pitch-In at the Park

This was as Haelley was winding down watching the kickball game. It was so much fun, we haven't done this kind of thing in years. I laughed soooo much, it was a lot of fun to watch the grown-ups act like kids.

She finally succumbed towards the end of the game, she slept for a while, so she must've been really worn out.

I feel terrible, this was the only kick of Michael's that I recorded and it was definitely his worst one. It was so much fun to watch him play, he even did a back-flip (That I didn't get to see because I was shooting my mouth off). I saw him when he landed on his head, but he managed to get to "Home" for a home run. Typical athletic self, it makes me sick.

I thought Mom would appreciate seeing her other daughter in action. (She only played because they made her). She was a very valuable draft, though.

Truman knew exactly what to do which is more than
I can say about some of the little kickers. Benjamin was all gung-ho, but he completely missed third base. Michael picked him up to point him toward third base and he was running in mid-air. He then ran all the way past third base instead of going home. It was so funny!


Mom to Anyone said...

Haelley is soooo cute. (I know you hear that all the time, but it's true.) That first picture of her is a great one!

What a blast the game must have been. I had a good time just watching under 2 min. of video=) (Who's the guy in the orange shirt?)

The Boring One said...

The guy in the orange shirt is Philip, Starla's fiance. :-)