Monday, May 5, 2008


So many people have called to check on Haelley (I'm not sure who all looks at the blog, though), that I decided to just tell it all here.
Haelley caught the stomach flu from her Daddy-man (that's what she knows him by) yesterday. She threw up ten times between 3:30 and 9:00. She couldn't keep down anything, but we gave her pedialyte after every time because Michael couldn't bear the thought of her dry-heaving. (He was GREAT by the way. Even though he was sick as well, he was the first one at her side. The first time she threw up, he gave her a bath and held her. Everytime she so much as hiccuped, he was diving across the room with a cold washcloth for her forehead. I wish every child had a Daddy-man like him.)
We put her in the playpen to sleep in our room last night. She slept really well, from 10:30 to 8:00. I nursed her at 8:00 and she threw that right back up. Since then, she has kept down some pedialyte, crackers and some pudding. She is so funny, she doesn't know that she should be complaining! If we could all be like little children. She is napping now, she's been pretty sleepy. She is a little dehydrated I think, she just doesn't look right and isn't having many wet diapers. I want to get fluid in her, but I'm concerned that I will cause her to keep throwing up. May God's will be done, but I believe that she'll be alright. Prayers are always welcome!


Mom to Anyone said...

I am praying. Sounds like you both are doing great! How are you feeling?

shearfam said...

Okay, can't tell if I'm just being paranoid or what, but I haven't felt great. I'm hoping that's as far as it goes!

The Boring One said...

Poor little girl... Her Aunt Sis is praying for her. Let me know if you need anything, ok?

The Boring One said...

Whoa - that's weird! You are on at the same time as me....

momawake said...

Hope you all feel better soon.

Amy said...

Since this was over a week ago I assume you are all doing better...I hope...:-/

momawake said...

Hey, email me.


Mom said...

I am sorry that you had to be sick. I really appreciate the pictures from your trip. Ruth and Martin look very good. It was also good to see so many pretty sites and be in awe of God's handiwork.